Last Updated on 6 months by Sachin G

Webmin is a system administrator tool that makes it less difficult for administrators to deal with their Linux-based operating system. It provides a Linux server management web interface.  Its modules give a space just perspective of information permitting the domain virtual server account holder to perform all the more exciting operations from inside of the UI. It just handles normal system setup and tasks. After setup  you can configure webmin SSL, set webmin DNS server setup and webmin install SSL certificate on the server as well as the domain.

Here below we have used two methods for installation, you can choose any one of them and This installation should be Red Hat, Rocky, Alma, Oracle, CentOS Stream, or Fedora Linux Operating system.

Execute Shell Script and Configure YUM Repository

The easiest way to install Webmin is by using a shell script. First, download and execute the script. It will fetch the Webmin repository key and set up the Yum repository. This script works with both Debian and RPM-based Linux distributions such as Red Hat and CentOS, Alma Linux etc.

Here we are going to install the dependency package through the below command.

 curl -o 

Output will be like below. this will download Webmin GPG Key configure yum repository and share at the end install command according to your operating system distribution.

Setup repository? (y/N) y
  Downloading Webmin key ..
  .. done
  Installing Webmin key ..
  .. done
  Setting up Webmin repository ..
  .. done
  Cleaning repository metadata ..
  .. done
  Downloading repository metadata ..
  .. done
Webmin package can now be installed using dnf install webmin command.

Install Webmin through dnf utility

Now RPM-based distribution uses dnf, which yum updated version command and script also recommend to use dnf command to install . Run the below command further.

dnf install webmin
webmin  install

Access URL :

Now the installation has been done and after installation suggests how can we access the server through the URL Now access URL credentials are rooted with the server root password.



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