Last Updated on 1 year by Sachin G

To install the Linux operating system there are different methods available. CDs or DVDs, Boot from USB  or kickstart server using a PXE network boot card. USB drive and network installation generally users use. To prepare a USB drive for installation use the dd command, you should have any Linux-based operating system also to execute the dd command.

Download ISO Image File

First, you need to download an ISO file of the Operating System. ISO File you can get from the official website of the OS provider. It can be Ubuntu, CentOS, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, or Oracle Linux. Some of the Linux-based distro‘s operating system official page URL is below. 

After downloading the iso image file, you should keep the path of the downloading ISO image file and also have fat formatted the USB drive.

Attach USB flash drive on Linux system

When you will attach the USB drive then it can be mounted automatically, first, check and review information about the USB device through the below commands.

# lsblk 
# df -h

If the device is mounted under the “ MOUNTPOINTS or Mounted on “ then you use unmount it through umount command.

sudo umount “Mounted on or MOUNTPOINTS“

Creating a Boot USB drive with dd

First, find a USB  and keep storing data backup, which is in a USB stick and insert it into your system. Creating an image on a USB flash drive with the dd command is a very simple step. First, find the device path associated with the USB drive. Assuming it’s /dev/sdb. Be careful if sdb is a block store with data, these commands will overwrite all data on that device.

 # dd if=iso_file_path.iso of=device_path bs=1M

In the above command, you can also use the progress option to get status . status=progress. After the process gets complete, now your USB stick is ready for boot. 

Now you can use a USB drive for installation.