Last Updated on 6 months by Sachin G

If you are considering about hosting multiple or single websites using server hosting software and web hosting features like mail, FTP, etc., you can have all of it with Hestia Control Panel (HestiaCP). HestiaCP is a fork of VestaCP . HestiaCP is a free and open-source panel. It is a simple and easy to use  web hosting control panel with a nice designed interface.

The panel has almost all features like fail2ban for brute-force protection, ClamAV antivirus for mail scan, database, ProFTPD for FTP, Nginx as a proxy web server, and Apache, etc. The user’s experience is good with this panel management as it is fast and easy to use and quite good and user-friendly. According to user feedback and reviews, it looks like the good web hosting software.

Below is hardware and software requirement before process the script. 

System Requirements

The panel must be installed on fresh installed operating system because if the script will run the installation, it can wipe all the data  during the installation, so better is use fresh system. Minimum 10 GB Disk Space  needed and recommended disk space is 40 GB . CPU should at least 1 core 64 bit structure  and 4 core cpu processor is recomended.

Minimum Operating System Recommended OSMinimum MemoryRecommended Memory
Debian 10, 11,12
Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 LTS
Latest Debian / Ubuntu
1 GB4 GB
System Prerequisites

Here we are going to do the installation of the latest version , You can get the installation script for from its official website .

Steps to Install Hestia Control Panel

Before start the process you should have proper root ssh access via ssh to connect your server. Now connect your server from the root account or switch to the root account.  

Step 1: Update and upgrade Software Package

Update  and upgrade the index package and install latest version of installed package .To do this run the below following commands .

apt-get update; apt-get upgrade -y

For download of installation script it need SSL validation , so we have to first ensure the installation of be package .You can do this with the following command:

apt-get install ca-certificates

Before download the script , confirm you will have wget command on operating system.

apt install -y wget

Step 2:  Download the script

To download the script , use official site URL for the correct download link below as they release new versions often.


Step 3:  Run the installation script

Once the installation script has been downloaded, you can run it by running the following command:


After executing the above command  below screen message you will get  and then if you want to proceed put your answer is  “y”   and the installer will  the below software component .

After submit your answer in Yes then you will get some more interactive question like , your mail address  as well as the host name , which you want to setup .please look below . 

Would you like to continue with the installation? [Y/N]: Y

Please use a valid emailadress (ex. [email protected]).
Please enter admin email address: 
Please enter FQDN hostname [techtransit]:


Thank you for downloading Hestia Control Panel! In a few moments,
we will begin installing the following components on your server:

  • NGINX Web / Proxy Server
  • Apache Web Server (as backend)
  • PHP-FPM Application Server
  • Bind DNS Server
  • Exim Mail Server
  • Dovecot POP3/IMAP Server
  • MariaDB Database Server
  • Vsftpd FTP Server
  • Firewall (iptables) + Fail2Ban Access Monitor


Hestia Control Panel Installation Wizard

You have the option to customize your software choices based on your requirements. If you wish to install specific services, you can simply navigate to the Hestia panel and execute the corresponding generated command. 

Below, I have generated a simple command from the Hestia website for illustrative purposes.

sudo bash –port ‘8083’ –lang ‘en’ –apache yes –phpfpm yes –multiphp yes –vsftpd yes –proftpd no –named yes –mariadb yes –mysql8 no –postgresql no –exim yes –dovecot yes –sieve no –clamav yes –spamassassin yes –iptables yes –fail2ban yes –quota no –api yes –interactive yes –force no

Step 4:  Access Control Panel

Finally, once the installer finishes the installation, it will display your Login details in the output. Please make sure to check them carefully at the end of the installation.the out put will like below screenshot. 

Hestia Access Control Panel

I hope that you enjoy your installation of Hestia . Thank you .