Last Updated on 7 years by Sachin G

If you are looking customer relationship tool in open source technology, you will always get all the features in SugarCRM. SugarCRM is an open source and web based customer relationship management ( CRM ) software , offers unlimited fully functional CRM to users . Due to its open source behavior, it is customizable, Sugar CRM is written in PHP. SugarCRM comes in different edition , in which community edition is free and  offers most of the features that can be expected to fulfill your needs   . You can find SugarCRM different edition from SugarCRM Packages And Pricing  .

What does crm software do ?

CRM Softwares manages applications and designed to help businesses customer data and sales, interaction, access business information, marketing and customer support as well as employee, in short it manage business customer relationship , contacts, clients and sales .

Download the Latest SugarCRM : 

Download the latest version of SugarCRM Community Edition available at its official site link Download SugarCRM  and this will redirect to site. You can find direct download latest SugarCRM list and download from this Link  . At the time of writing this guide article, the latest stable version of SugarCRM  is 6.5.22 .

# cd  /opt

# wget -O

# unzip

# mv SugarCE-Full-6.5.23  /var/www/html/crm

Prerequisite Installation Requirements :

Here we should  already configure environment , where SugarCRM will be run , so we need to configure Web Server  as well as Database server ( MySQL or MariaDB )  with PHP  , smply called LAMP or LEMP Server with PHP extensions and Library.


  • Apache Web Server  will be equal to 2.x version  or later 2.x+ version.
  • Minimum  Requirement of MYSQL Version is greater than or equal to 5.x version .
  • PHP  version 5 with  GD , curl library, with IMAP, SimpleXML, ZIP, ZLIB ,mbstring extension support.


Apache Configuration on CentOs / RHEL / Ubuntu Server :

Create a new Virtual host configuration file in apache. We have create a apache configuration file  crm.conf in our apache configuration directory   .

For CentOs / RHEL Server :

# cd  /etc/apache/conf.d/

# vim  crm.conf

For Ubuntu Server  :

# vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/crm.conf

# ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/crm.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/crm.conf


Add the follow lines in our apache configuration file.

<VirtualHost *:80>

ServerAdmin  [email protected]

DocumentRoot /var/www/html/crm

ServerName    domain name

ServerAlias   www.domainname

ErrorLog /var/log/apache/domainname-error_log

CustomLog /var/log/apache/domainname-access_log common

<Directory /var/www/html/crm/>

Options FollowSymLinks

AllowOverride All



After that restart your web server daemon according to your OS.

# service httpd restart ( For  CentOs / RHEL 5, 6 )

# systemctl restart httpd.service ( For CentOs / RHEL 7 )

# service apache2 restart ( For Ubuntu Server )

The files and directories under document root or path of  SugarCRM directory should be  writable from web server user  and should have web server correct ownership and group ownership.

Install PHP Extension and Configuration :

For ubuntu User :

# apt-get install php5 php5-cli  php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl  php5-common  php5-mysql php5-curl php5-gd php-pear php5-imap php5-mcrypt

For CentOS / RHEL Server :

# yum install php-gd php-imap  php-soap php-ldap php-odbc php-mbstring php-pear php-xmlrpc  php-xml

# yum install curl curl-devel perl-libwww-perl ImageMagick libxml2 libxml2-devel

Set up  MySQL database with user privileges :

You should have permission to create a database server and user  and assign a permission user to database.

# mysql -u root –p

Enter the password of mysql root password.

# create database  CrmDataBaseName

# create user Crm_Username@localhost  identified BY 'password';

# grant all privileges on CrmDataBaseName.* TO ' Crm_Username '@'localhost' ;


#  quit

Now after configuration apache , mysql and php configuration , we have already upload the code of SugarCRM  on document root .Go into your favorite browser  and open the domain name in browser and follow steps

Open in your favorite web browser and follow the easy instructions of SugarCRM Web Installer .

Here we have use our main domain and after that in crm folder we are installing sugarcrm .

First you need to do Langauage Selection and Next :

 STEP 1 : SugarCRM Installation




STEP 2 : SugarCRM Installation

STEP 2 : SugarCRM Installation


STEP 3 : SugarCRM Installation

SugarCRM Installation-3


STEP 4 : SugarCRM Installation




STEP 5 : SugarCRM Installation



STEP 6 : SugarCRM Installation



STEP  7 : SugarCRM Installation



STEP 8 : SugarCRM Installation



Login Screen



Congratulation and Thank you .. Now Enjoy your Customer Relationship Management.